Online Courses
Each online course is well-organized and applies both passive and active learning. Active learning is the key to producing / implementing language. These online courses are not like other general online Spanish courses. These courses teach you what you need to know for your line of work. Subsequent courses build upon the previous level.
Spanish for Law Enforcement
Learn phrases that help to de-escalate a situation and phrases for basic traffic stops.
Spanish for 911 Dispatch
911 dispatch will learn basic Spanish phrases that can help receive and relay information more quickly.
Spanish for Teachers
Classroom directives and vocabulary are learned, along with phrases used when talking with parents and guardians.
Spanish for Medical Providers
This course is ideal for nurses, doctors, medical assistances, first responders and fire fighters.
These online courses offer the unique opportunity, through videos, to listen to native Spanish speakers, some of whom are police, medical providers and teachers and officers in Mexico. This provides an authentic experience of listening to Spanish and different peoples' accents and intonation. This will help train the ear and help you better understand Spanish when you are out on the job. There are both listening and speaking components to the course.
These videos offer a sneak peek into how the online classes are presented at Custom Spanish Courses.