Spanish for Educators

"I truly believe that a teacher can make or break your Spanish learning experience, and Meredith makes it great! She made me feel comfortable speaking, which I have never been in the past. I learned more and became more confident in one week of class with Meredith than I did during any year long Spanish class that I have taken in the past. Thank you Meredith!"

- RE-1 teacher C. Rose

Online Courses

Learn at your pace and convenience.

  • Courses build upon each other with phrases becoming more complex as you move through each level.

  • Courses can also be taken independently.

  • Choose any start date and receive the course content folder to begin learning Spanish at your own pace.

Spring Special - Online Courses just $25 - Use promo code Spring25


Spring Special - Online Courses just $25 - Use promo code Spring25 〰️

  • Spanish for Educators - Beginner

    Beginner Level - Little to no previous Spanish

    Areas of focus: Basic introduction & classroom vocabulary, simple classroom directives, questions and useful classroom phrases. (Designed for people with little to no previous Spanish). Price $110

    Spring Special - Online courses just $25

    Use promo code Spring25

  • Spanish for Educators - High Beginner

    High Beginner Level - Some previous Spanish experience.

    Areas of focus: Review of intro & classroom vocabulary, more classroom directives, basic questions and additional useful classroom phrases. (Designed for people who have a little previous Spanish experience). Price $110

    Spring Special - Online courses just $25

    Use promo code Spring25

  • Spanish for Educators - Low Intermediate

    Low Intermediate Level - Comfortable with the basics .

    Areas of focus: School subjects, intermediate classroom directives, using interrogatives, additional classroom phrases and phrases to use when speaking to parents/guardian. (Designed for people who know the basics). Price $149

    Spring Special - Online courses just $25

    Use promo code Spring25

Spanish for Educators

In-Person Intensives - Summer 2025

  • Level 1 - 5 day intensive - TBD

Areas of focus: Basic classroom vocabulary, school subjects, Beginner classroom directives and other useful phrases to use with students and parents/guardian. Participants will gain confidence using the present tense and grammar fundamentals. (Designed for people with little to no previous Spanish experience.) 

Payment Option:

Areas of focus: Review classroom vocabulary, school subjects, intermediate classroom directives, using interrogatives, additional phrases to use with students and parents/guardian. Participants will gain confidence using the past tense. (Designed for people who are comfortable with basic Spanish grammar structures / using the present tense verb conjugation.)

Payment Option:

General Framework for in-person intensives

3-10 day intensive

  • Level 1 - Basic classroom vocabulary, basic phrases to use with students

  • Level 2 - Builds on classroom vocabulary, expression, how to communicate with students and parents.

  • Level 3 - More advanced conversations with students and parents.

  • Customize a course to meet the needs of your school or district

  • Each course includes Spanish grammar fundamentals.